
How much can International student earn doing part time in Canada?

As an international student in Canada who is interested in working part-time, it’s important you know what your options are when it comes to part-time work. 


With many employers in Canada open to hiring international students for part-time jobs, working part-time as an international student in Canada can be a great way to earn some extra money and gain valuable work experience at the same time.


 The experience gained from part-time work can help you in your future career. Part-time jobs can provide you with hands-on experience in a variety of industries, from retail and customer service to research and academic support.

This experience can help you develop important skills such as time management, communication, teamwork, and problem-solving, which are highly valued by employers.

In addition to gaining work experience, working part-time can help you develop your network of contacts in your chosen industry.

You will have the opportunity to work alongside professionals who can provide mentorship and guidance, and who may be able to help you find full-time employment after graduation.

If you intend to work part-time in Canada as an international student, here is how much you will earn, your working options, the types of jobs available to you, and how to get the best out of your part-time job.

How much international student can earn in Canada part time?

An international student earns between CAD 15 to CAD 17.5 per hour on part-time jobs. However, the actual amount an international student can earn doing part-time jobs in Canada will be determined by the type of job you have and the province you’re in. 

Some part-time jobs, such as retail or food service positions, pay less than other jobs requiring specialized skills or experience.

Additionally, as an international student in Canada, you are subject to income tax. The exact amount of tax that you will pay depends on your income level and tax status. 

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) provides information on how to file income tax returns for international students in Canada.

Average Earnings of international students in Canada 

If we assume an hourly pay of CAD 15, here are the estimated earnings for international students in Canada based on the number of hours worked per week:

How much can a student earn in Canada per month? 

If you work 20 hours per week, you can earn approximately CAD 1,200 monthly. If you work 30 hours per week (during breaks), you can earn CAD 1,800 per month.

How much can a student earn in Canada per week? 

If you work 20 hours per week, your earnings will be CAD 300 per week. As an international student, you are allowed to work for a maximum of 20 hours per week during the full academic season.

How much can a student earn in Canada per year? 

With a 20 hours per week work schedule, you can earn CAD 14,400 per year. If you work 30 hours per week for 12 months, you will earn CAD 21,600 per year.

Working in Canada as an international student

To work in Canada as an international student, you need a valid study permit. Your study permit allows you to study and work in Canada.

There is no need for a separate work permit if you have a valid study permit.

In addition to your study permit, your work time is restricted, as an international student, you can work part-time during the academic year (up to 20 hours per week) and full-time during scheduled breaks, such as winter and summer holidays. 

Going beyond this limit would violate your study permit conditions, which could lead to serious consequences such as loss of your student status and potential denial of future study or work permits.

Additionally, you cannot work off-campus until six months have passed since you started your program.

Types of Jobs Available for International Students

As an international student in Canada, you have a wide range of job opportunities available to you. 

Below are some of the most popular part-time jobs for international students in Canada:

1. Retail Sales Associate: Retail sales associates typically work in stores, helping customers find products and making sales.

The average hourly pay for this job is CAD 13-15 per hour.

2. Food Service Worker: As a food service worker, you can work in restaurants, cafes, or fast food establishments.

Food service workers take orders, prepare food, and serve customers. The average hourly pay for this job is CAD 12-14 per hour.

3. Tutor: Tutors provide one-on-one or small-group academic support to students. You can work in person or online.

The average hourly pay for this job is CAD 15-20 per hour.

4. Research Assistant: Research assistants work with professors and researchers on research projects.

Your job is to help collect data, analyze information, and prepare reports.  CAD 15-25 per hour is the average hourly pay for this job.

5. Freelance Work: Freelance work can include a wide range of jobs, such as writing, graphic design, or web development. 

As a freelancer, you work according to your terms and get paid by how many jobs you deliver.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can international students work full-time in Canada?

International students are only allowed to work full-time during scheduled breaks, such as winter and summer holidays.

During the academic year, you are limited to working a maximum of 20 hours per week.

Do international students need a work permit to work part-time in Canada?

No, international students do not need a work permit to work part-time in Canada. As long as you have a valid study permit, you’re allowed to work up to 20 hours per week during the academic year.

How much can international students earn in Canada?

International students in Canada earn between CAD 12-15 per hour, depending on the type of job and the province you’re in.

Can international students work off-campus in Canada?

Yes, you can work off-campus in Canada as long as you meet the requirements. To work off-campus, you must have a valid study permit and be enrolled in a designated learning institution (DLI).

Final Thoughts

Working part-time while studying in Canada is an excellent way for you to earn extra money and gain valuable work experience. 

The amount you will earn ultimately depends on the type of job you have and the number of hours you work. 

By understanding your options and taking advantage of the opportunities available, you can make the most of your time in Canada.

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