
Can I enter Canada with an expired Canadian passport?

If you are a regular traveler and you have had this experience, you will acknowledge that it can be horrible.


You are set for your journey, putting everything in order but on getting to the airport, you realize that your passport has expired and you forgot to renew it.


This is not a place any traveler wants to be especially if you have an urgent mission to accomplish in your proposed destination.

If you are traveling to Canada and you discover that your passport has expired but because it is already late; you don’t have time for its renewal (unless you reschedule your journey, which you don’t want to), don’t worry too much because there’s still a possibility you can get in.

You might be among the very few category of people who can enter Canada with an expired passport.

Whether you’re going on a last-minute trip or simply forgot to renew your passport, the last thing you want is to have trouble at the border.

Can I enter Canada with an expired Canadian passport?

No, you simply cannot enter Canada with an expired Canadian passport, it’s not allowed. To enter Canada, you need a valid passport.

If your passport isn’t valid, you will be stopped at the point of entry by immigration officers except for a few conditions.

When you can enter Canada with an expired passport

Even though it’s not allowed to enter Canada with an expired passport, you can sometimes enter Canada if your passport has expired but you have special situations like when you:

  • Have a Valid Government-issued ID.
  • Diplomatic passport.
  • An Emergency Travel Document.
  • Returning from the United States or a U.S. Territory.
  • NEXUS card.
  • Non-Canadian spouse or dependent of a Canadian Citizen.
  • Dual citizenship.
  • If you are a returning Canadian Armed Forces Personnel.

Under these circumstances, you can enter Canada with an expired passport.

  • Have a Valid Government-issued ID

You can enter Canada by land without your passport if you are a citizen of the country and have a valid government-issued ID card like your driver’s license and any proof of your citizenship.

You can’t use this option if you are flying or if you are coming to Canada by sea, you must be cleared by immigration officers before you are allowed into the country.

  • Diplomatic passport

If you are a government official or high-ranked individual with a diplomatic passport, you can enter Canada with an expired passport but you need to check in with the government before entering.

You can read more about diplomatic passports here. If you wish to apply, you can read more about how to apply for a diplomatic passport in Canada by clicking here.

  • An Emergency Travel Document

In a rare and genuine emergency, like when there is a medical emergency or a family crisis, you can get an Emergency Travel Document (ETD) at a Canadian embassy if you need to come back to Canada right away.

ETDs are like temporary passports for Canadians who don’t have regular passports and have a very important reason (like someone being very sick or a family member passing away) to come to Canada immediately.

From experience, the immigration officers don’t give out ETDs just for any reason, only in really serious cases.

In similar conditions, if your passport is lost or stolen, the immigration officers can also issue you an ETD or a temporary passport if you urgently need to come back to Canada.

Author’s advice: If you encounter any issue with your passport, it’s always better to report it to immigration ahead of time.

Don’t wait till the last minute, your “serious reason” for intending to travel with an expired may not be accepted by the immigration officer.

  • Returning from the United States or a U.S. Territory

I have to warn you, this option is not open all the time, you have to be careful. If as a Canadian citizen, you are returning from the United States of America and your passport has expired, you can still enter Canada if you provide evidence that you are a citizen of Canada.

Once you are verified as a Canadian citizen, you will receive an ETD, which will be your entry document to Canada.

This works only for travel by land or sea from the United States or its territory like as Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, it doesn’t apply to every situation.

Do not forget that too.

  • NEXUS card

A NEXUS card is a special card for trusted travelers, it makes it quicker and easier for you to cross the border.

If you have a NEXUS card, you can still enter Canada, even if your passport has expired. This card helps you speed through the border checks.

You can find more about the NEXUS card by clicking here

  • Non-Canadian spouse or dependent of a Canadian Citizen

If you’re married to or a family member of a Canadian citizen, even if you’re not Canadian yourself, you can still get into Canada with an expired passport.

Just make sure you can show they’re your family and that you belong to their country.

  • Dual citizenship

If you have two citizenships and one of them is visa-free to Canada, you can enter Canada without a visa, you can use your second passport to enter.

But don’t forget, you still have to prove that you’re also a Canadian citizen.

  • If you are a returning Canadian Armed Forces Personnel

Lastly, if you’re a member of the Canadian Armed Forces coming back to Canada after a mission, you can enter Canada with an expired passport.


Can I travel to Canada if my passport expires in 3 months?

Yes, you can typically travel to Canada if your passport expires in 3 months, but it’s best you renew it before your trip to avoid potential complications.

Can Canadians be denied entry?

Yes, Canadians can be denied entry to Canada under circumstances such as if they have a criminal record or provide false information to immigration officials.

No one is above the law in Canada.

What can I use instead of a passport to get into Canada?

Instead of a passport, you can use a NEXUS card, Enhanced Driver’s License (EDL), or Canadian Refugee Travel Document to enter Canada in some cases.

However, the specific requirements you can use depend on your travel history, purpose of visit, and intended length of stay, you need to check with Canadian authorities for your situation.

Can you travel to the States with an expired Canadian passport?

You cannot travel to the United States with an expired Canadian passport. You must have a valid passport to enter the United States.

Can I travel to Canada with less than 6 months on my passport?

Yes, you can travel to Canada with less than 6 months on your passport, but it’s better you renew it before your trip to avoid issues upon entry.


Canada, like many countries, has strict entry requirements, your passport has to be valid except for a few categories of persons.

In general, as a traveler, you are required to have a valid passport (your passport should be valid for the entirety of your stay) to enter the country.

However, there are a few exceptions and situations where you will be allowed to enter Canada with an expired passport.

If you have a valid Government-issued ID, a diplomatic passport, an Emergency Travel Document, if you are returning from the United States or a U.S. Territory, if you have NEXUS card, if you are a Non-Canadian spouse or dependent of a Canadian Citizen, if you have Dual citizenship and if you are a returning Canadian Armed Forces Personnel, you can enter Canada with an expired passport.

Except for these conditions, you are not allowed to enter Canada with an expired passport, your passport must be valid before you will be allowed to enter Canada.

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