
How do I know if my Canadian visa is approved?

If you have completed the application process for a Canadian visa, the next stage is the waiting period, you’ve to wait for the immigration officers to go through your application and make a decision on your visa application.


Frankly, the waiting period can be nerve-wracking, you don’t know whether the decision will come out positive or negative.


One of the main reasons why the waiting period is funny is because even if you’ve submitted all the necessary documents, and filled out the forms diligently, it does not still guarantee you a positive outcome.

Anything can go wrong and your application will be denied. If you are on the positive side and your visa application gets approved, below is how to know if your Canadian visa is approved.

When you’re applying for a Canadian visa, you are required to fill out a visa application form and submit your personal information, with supporting documents.

After submitting your application, it undergoes a thorough review by immigration officers. They assess your eligibility, background, and the purpose of your visit to Canada.

This assessment process varies depending on the type of visa you applied for, your purpose of going to Canada, and how long you intend to stay in Canada.

How do I know if my Canadian visa is approved?

You can know if your Canadian visa is approved by checking the status of your application online via the Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) official website, by contacting the Immigration officers by phone, or by sending an inquiry email to the immigration authorities. Once they receive your email, they will respond with the status of your visa application.

How to know if your Canadian visa is approved by checking your application status online

One of the easiest ways to find out if your Canadian visa application has been approved is by checking your visa status online.

Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has a user-friendly online portal where you can track your application.

And guess what? All you need is your application number and other relevant details like your passport number and username.

To check your Canadian visa application status online go to the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada website by clicking here.

VFS also provides an alternative to check your application status but you can only use this option if you applied for your visa through VFS.

You can find out more about VFS application tracking by clicking here.

Did you receive a confirmation email?

If you don’t want to check the status of your visa application online, you don’t have to worry yourself, you can also know if your Canadian visa application has been approved through your email.

Want to know how? Great.

Sometimes, the approval news comes straight to your inbox, yes, it’s that easy, so check your email regularly.

Do not just check your inbox, also check your spam folder, Canadian immigration authorities may send you an update and it will enter your spam folder.

Once your Canadian visa application is approved, the immigration authorities will send you an email.

This email (that you will get) is the confirmation email, They will congratulate you on your visa.

The email will also contain detailed instructions on what you should do next.

Keep an eye on your mailbox

Do you still use the mailbox? Well, if you don’t, I do, the Snail mail might seem outdated, but not for someone like me.

Mailbox is a common way for immigration authorities to communicate with applicants like you.

Once you are done applying for a Canadian visa, keep an eye on your mailbox for any official letters.

If your visa is approved, they will send you a notification through the mailbox.

Here is what you need to know; they will only send you updates through mailbox if you choose mailbox as a means of communication during your application process.

Frankly, the mailbox method isn’t really a big channel for Canadian immigration authorities to communicate with you.

The means through which Canadian immigration authorities will communicate with you depends on whatever channel of communication you establish with them or the details you provided as a means of communication during your application.

You can be contacted by phone

If you provided your contact details during your visa application and chose the phone as a means of communication, the Canadian authorities can decide to call you on the phone once your visa application has been approved.

If you apply for a Canadian visa, you will know if your visa has been approved by checking your application status online, through email, through the mailbox, or by contacting the Canadian immigration authorities via phone.

You can call the Canadian immigration authority on the phone to enquire about your visa status if it has been approved or not.

What happens if you have waited and no response from the immigration authorities?

If you’ve waited patiently and haven’t received any updates or you checked your status online and there is no update about your immigration status, it’s okay to reach out.

Contact the visa office where you submitted your application. When you reach out, be polite, they will ask for your application details, so provide them.

Ask the respondent about the status of your visa and they will run a check and give you an update about your application.

Processing a visa application can take time

You need to be patient

Immediately you submit your visa application, you have to give it time. Make patience your best friend.

The processing of your visa application can take a long time, immigration officers meticulously take their time to review each application.

They run a background check on each application and carefully review the documents submitted by each applicant before approving or denying the application based on their findings. All of this takes time.

If you applied for a Canadian visa, and it’s taking longer than you expected without receiving any update from the immigration authorities, reach out to them to enquire about your application.

Send an email or call the help desk, and they will provide you with an update about your application. Once it’s approved, you can find out by checking your application status online.

In most cases, you don’t need to check online, once it is approved, they will send you an email to congratulate you and provide further instructions and details about your visa.

Always check your inbox if you applied for a Canadian visa, once there is an update, you will know.

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